Delisting Policy

FINAUX, this trading platform, reserves the right to delist and delete any coin/token from the exchange in the event of inaction from the initiator or the official team of the coin/token after the issuance of a prior notice in following cases:

  • a) The initiator or the official project team of the coin/token is terminated and/or requests delisting of the token;;

  • b) The project is facing legal issues;

  • c) The daily trading volume of the coin/token has been less than $7000 in equivalent for 15 consecutive days;

  • d) The project has withheld information from the exchange or provided inaccurate information- especially if it necessary to prevent and/or stop scams, frauds, manipulation, security threats, or other unlawful activities such as hacking of the exchange- related to the coin/token are discovered;

  • e) The project team of the coin/token refuses to provide the costs of additional work and efforts of the FINAUX platform team including but not limited to system upgrades, wallet updates, changes of the blockchain, etc;

  • f) Non-payment of overdue fees(s) of listing and/or usage of the FINAUX server;

  • fg) Breach and/or non-fulfilment of any part of Agreement, Terms and Conditions and other terms of use of the platform.

FINAUX is dedicated to protect the interests of all the users of the platform. Accordingly, every coin/token that has applied for listing on the platform is evaluated according to the platform’s standards including but not limited to:

  • a) The coin/token must be supported by a strong project ideal which is operated by a competent and reliable team with professional tech support;

  • b) The project must showcase compliance and be free of any policy risks;

  • c) The project must provide all the necessary information with honesty when requested, including whitepapers and progress reports.

If FINAUX is provided with/ finds that the project has high liquidity and good trade volume on other trustable exchanges, or if our team finds the project favourable and positive for other reasons, we may accept payments in coins/tokens.

The following indicators/criteria are necessary to allow accepting payment in coins/tokens:

  • a) Accessibility of a working item or MVP (one of the characterizing measures);

  • b) Availability of a roadmap (we perceive what it looks like, check whether the work is advancing and whether the deadlines are met reliably);

  • c) Group appraisal (record of successful undertakings, team motivation);

If FINAUX is provided with/ finds that the project has high liquidity and good trade volume on other trustable exchanges, or if our team finds the project favourable and positive for other reasons, we may accept payments in coins/tokens.

The following indicators/criteria are necessary to allow accepting payment in coins/tokens:

  • a) Accessibility of a working item or MVP (one of the characterizing measures);li>

  • b) Availability of a roadmap (we perceive what it looks like, check whether the work is advancing and whether the deadlines are met reliably);

  • c) Group appraisal (record of successful undertakings, team motivation);

  • d) Assessment from the point of view of Market Value (convenience and relevance of the undertaking for the market and end clients);

  • e) Appraisal of social media accounts and organic activity in them;

  • If) Regular reports on project progress, fast and effective reactions to clients' requests.