Get Rewards

Get Rewards for finding Bugs

Now you can get rewarded for telling us about the bugs on our platform! FINAUX welcomes information about any possible problems about our platform that may compromise the exchange.


  • 1. You cannot leak the information about the bugs on the platform.

  • 2. You may not use the information about the bug to earn funds or damage other users on the platform.

  • 3. You may not use this information to damage the platform.

  • 4. You must provide us the information about the bug in the most comprehensible and extensive way possible.


Problem Area Reward
Remote Code Execution $500
Balance Manipulation $500
Partial Authentication Bypass $500
Theft of Sensitive Information $500

These areas do no qualify to be severe threats:DDoS, Self-XSS, Spam, Social engineering


You can report a bug or vulnerability in the system to our customer care.